Coding Classes


Java is geared towards young coders who have some experience with computer science principles.  We offer Beginner classes and Advanced Classes, and we are bringing in new courses such as Game Development and Mobile App Development. For more info, click here


Python is geared towards young coders who have some experience with computer science principles. We offer Beginner classes and Advanced Classes, and we are bringing in new classes that use software such as PyGame. For more info, click here


C++ is geared towards more experienced coders who have a good understanding of CS logic.  We offer beginner classes that will cover web development using Visual Studios Code. For more info, click here


HTML is geared toward coders of any experience who want to learn more about web development. We offer beginner classes that will cover web development using Visual Studios Code. For more info, click here


Scratch is geared towards younger coders who want to learn more about the basics of computer science and have no prior experience. For more info, click here

Blockchain & ML

Blockchain is the perfect class for students with a solid foundation and understanding of coding who are looking to further expand their knowledge in computer science and cybersecurity. For more info, click here